Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Busy week

Although it was only two days long, students in Room 210 were quite busy this week.  We began on Monday morning with a special visitor: Gianna's dad, Jonathan, came in to read a couple of special books in honor of her birthday.  We especially enjoyed the collaborative reading of the Piggy and Elephant book!
Later in the morning we were treated to a presentation by Mr. Steve, who did some science magic (or was it magical science?!?). The students had many theories to explain what they were seeing. Ask your child to tell you about something that "wowed" him/her.
In the afternoon the kids had the chance to make Alexander Calder-inspired mobiles.  We first read about his life and looked at images of his work, both his mobiles and his stabiles.  Some children said they have seen his work at the Porter Square T stop in Cambridge.  Children were able to apply what they have learned about weight and balance to creating their own mobile.  As you may know, the mobiles came home in a baggie and may not have done so in one piece.  I suggested to the kids that they might enjoy re-creating it again with you at home.  If you are able, I would HIGHLY recommend seeing the Calder exhibit at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem.  It is fantastic! But only there until January 4th.
Today the class enjoyed sharing their fiction stories with each other.  I was impressed at how creative the stories were.  Those students that wrote on the iPad got a kick out of seeing their book up on the screen when we projected it!
All in all, a productive couple of days for the ones leading up to a big vacation!
Finally I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the class gift presented to me today.  It was filled with lovely things, including truffles, a gorgeous plant and several gift cards to local businesses. Thank you to Janet and Kristen for organizing and putting it together!
I would like to wish everyone the happiest of holidays and all the best for the new year!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Arrival in China

On Monday we arrived in Beijing, China, to begin our study of Asia.  We were greeted by our customs agent, Brahim (our terrific maintenance man at Thompson!).  In the afternoon, Avery's grandmother, Alexandra, came to talk to us about several Asian countries that she has visited over the years.  She told us that she loves meeting and making connections with people from all over the world.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Busy week

We had two wonderful visitors this week!  Zoe's mom, Lara, came to tell us about her home country, Croatia.  She taught us a lot about the culture and the language.  She told us that there is a town there with a population of only 17! The students got a kick out of that!
Leo's dad, Hogie, grew up in Germany and shared a slide show including geography, architecture and history of this country.  The kids were especially fascinated by the robots that make cars at the VW plant and the size of the cruise ships that are made near his hometown of Emden.
Many thanks to both parents for sharing with us.
At the end of the day on Friday, we met with our 5th grade buddies.  The students shared their own original small moment stories with each other.

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Thanks to all of those who could make it to Room 210's first Math-In.  It was a great success!