Saturday, February 14, 2015

February 13

We had so much going on today!  First, it was Crazy Hat Day and many of the students wore silly, creative hats to school. 
Next, we closed out our study of the moon, with a What Do YOU Know About the Moon? game-show like activity.  The kids did a great job working in teams to answer the questions correctly.  Questions ranged from "the moon is made of cheese"- true or false? to "what are the three things that determine a crater's size?"  Ask your child to tell you some of the other questions they aced!  The students also got to make a small model of the moon out of clay, craters and highlands included.  We did an activity which tries to simulate how a crater is formed.  Ask your child to tell you about that as well; it was very exciting!
Finally, at the end of the day, we "celebrated" Valentine's Day by distributing valentines and starting an activity packet.
All on the day before the vacation!
Enjoy, stay warm and happy shoveling!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Pottery session

Today our class got to make clay bowls- one to keep and one to donate to the Arlington Eats auction coming up this spring.  Our bowls were fashioned after traditional Japanese bowls; students used natural items to create texture.  Aki's mom, Eileen, with some helpers, guided us through the process. Many thanks to Isabella's mom, Janet, for her help today.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Moon Games

The Second Graders spent the morning playing moon games that the Fifth Graders made.  The games were very creative, with names such as Moonopoly, Moono, Moonster, Meapardy, Moon Pursuit.
Reminders: Next Wednesday, Feb 11, we have our Read-In, 8:15-8:45am.  Immediately following, our class will do a special pottery project to benefit Arlington Eats.  Make sure you sign and return the photo slip if you DO NOT want your child's photo to be shown on the website.
Also, Tuesday, Feb 10 is an Early Release Day.  
Whew! What a week coming up.  Let's hope we have five days to get it all in!